Wash Plant
Innovation at wash plant
The coal processing plant has 100 ton per hour capacity and is expected to wash 3 million tons of discard in the next five years.
The wash plant at ZAC is operated, maintained and managed on behalf of ZAC by mineral processing company Ingwenya Mineral and Processing. The plant comprises a wash plant that washes the stockpiled discard dump material at the mine.
Ingwenya Plant Manager Willie de Wit says this process has been a learning curve, with several changes having been made to the original design and operation of the plant to make this venture a success. “The run-of-mine (RoM) section has had a new tip and grizzled design installed, resulting in a better sized feed product and a constant feed to the plant, which is essential for a balanced and stable final product.”
The crusher segments have been changed to a 45 mm prism tooth with every second row fitted with a 50 mm grab tooth. Willie explains that this was needed in order to break the product down to the required operational size. The cyclone feed pump was upgraded to a larger suction, and changes were made to pulley sizes to accommodate the volumetric throughput.
Two 10 mm thick plates (top and bottom) were installed in the granulator which minimised the continuous blockages and ensured that the product produced was within the required specification. The constant monitoring of operational challenges and the implementation of an action plan, in conjunction with a maintenance programme has ensured the machinery is well maintained and operates efficiently.
Willie points out that the increase in the number of plant supervisors has aided in reducing operational challenges. This includes the recent addition of two fitters, who have been employed permanently on site, along with the additional expertise sourced from head office, which has played a crucial role in overcoming the technical challenges that were faced by the plant.
Okusha esihlambweni
Indawo yokuhlamba amalahle inamandla okumumatha amathani ayikhulu ngehora kanti kulindeleke ukuthi ikwazi ukuhlamba amathani ezinsalela ayizigidi ezintathu eminyakeni emihlanu ezayo.
Indawo yokuhlamba e-ZAC iphethwe, yinkampani ehlambayo, eyibhekele i-ZAC, Ingwenya Mineral and Processing. Le femu inesihlambo esihlamba zonke izinsalela zemayini.
Imenenja yesiHlambo eNgwenya, u-Willie de Wit, uthi kuningi okufundiwe kulo msebenzi ngenxa yokuthi kube nezinguquko eziningi endleleni okwakuhlelwe ngayo ekuqaleni ukuze ukusebenza kwesihlambo kube yimpumelelo. “Indawo ye-run-of-mine yenziwe kabusha ukuze indawo nendlela yokufaka kwenze kube lula ukugxisha, okuyinto emqoka kakhulu emkhiqizweni ophumayo ekugcineni.”
Izindawo zesigayo zishintshiwe zaba namazinyo awu-45mm kuthi yonke imigqa elandelayo ibe namazinyo awu-50mm. U-De Wit uthi bekudingeka loku ukuze umkhiqizo ugayeke ube wusayizi odingekayo. Isifutho sokugxisha siphuculiwe senziwa saba namandla okumunca amaningi, kwashintshwa usayizi we-pulley ukuze ukwazi ukumumatha umthamo womkhiqizo. Ngaphezu kwalokho i-cyclone ishintshiwe ekubeni yi-Weir DMC 500mm yashintshelwa ekubeni yi-Mincoal DMC 710mm, osekwenza amandla ahlale eku-110 kPa.
Kufakwe amapuleti awu-10mm ukuba wugqinsi kwawo amabili kwisigayi, phecelezi i-granulator, okuqinisekisa ukuthi umkhiqizo ophumayo usesimweni esidingekayo. Ukuloku kuqikelelwe ngeso lokhozi ukuthi umsebenzi uhamba kanjani nokulandela uhlelo lomsebenzi, nohlelo lokulungisa impahla yokusebenza, kwenza ukuthi imishini ihlale isebenza kahle.
U-De Wit ubalula ukuthi ukwandiswa kwezinduna efemini kusize ukuxazulula izinselelo ezikhona. Phakathi kwazo kukhona o-fitter ababili abasha, asebeqashwe ngokugcwele, kwathi abanye ongoti abadingekayo balandwa enhlokohhovisi, okube neqhaza elikhulu ukuxazulula izinselelo zobuhixihixi emkhiqizweni ebeziba khona efemini.