Phila’s passion for the mining industry never ends
Phila Mngomezulu’s (36) first exposure to the mining industry was when he came to ZAC through a student vacation work programme 12-years-ago, and he has not looked back since. Phila is currently a Financial Administrator at ZAC.
He believes that the industry is a complex and dynamic field with many fascinating aspects. It plays an important role in the global economy.
From 2012 until now Phila assumed different positions at ZAC including working at Stores, Procurement and Finance as a Creditors Clerk, Contracts Administrator and Financial Administrator to date.
His duties involve compiling monthly reports and he is also a project accountant for Mngeni and Maye B Shafts.
He also loves working in the mining environment as it gives him an opportunity to observe the mineral value chain as it unfolds from production to end user.
“Understanding how raw material is extracted underground, processed into final products and hauled to customers is really interesting,” Phila remarks.
Phila holds a BCom (University of Zululand), a Business Accountant in Practice (SA) designation, Independent Reviewer licence from the Chartered Institute of Business Accountants. He is also a qualified Tax Practitioner (TT (SA)) from the South African Institute of Taxation.
His passion has seen him go beyond his call of duty as a financial administrator, as he is in charge of compiling the Mining Charter, Social Labour Plan reports and BBBE verifications for ZAC. He also enjoys working with people and working on skills development programs such as Enterprise and Supplier Development to assist SMEs.
Alupheli uthando lukaMngomezulu lwemboni yezimayini
UPhila Mngomezulu, ona-36, eqala ngqa ukwazi ngemboni yezimayini kwaba ngenxa yohlelo lwetoho lwabafundi lwangamaholidi lwase-ZAC eminyakeni engu-12 edlule, kanti akaphindanga wabheka emuva. Manje uMngomezulu unguMphathi weziMali eZAC.
Ukholwa ukuthi le mboni uwumkhakha obanzi nomnandi nonezinto eziningi ezimnandi. Uneqhaza elibalulekile emnothweni womhlaba jikelele.
Kusuka ngo-2012 kuze kube manje uPhila usebenezikhundla ezihlukene eZAC okubalwa kuzona ukusebenza eziTolo, ukuThenga iziMpahla nezeziMali engumabhalane wezikweletu, umPhathi weziNkontileka nomPhathi wezeziMali.
Emsebenzini wakhe kukhona ukwenza imibiko yezimali yanyanga zonke, nomhleli wamabhuku ezimali wemigodi uMngeni neMaye B.
Uyakuthanda ukusebenza embonini yezimayini ngoba kumnika ithuba lokubona umkhiqizo ombiwa phansi kusukela ekuqaleni kuze kufinyelele ekugcineni lapho usuthengwa ngabantu.
“Ukwazi ukuthi amaminerali ambiwa kanjani phansi komhlaba, alungiswa kanjani elungiselwa amakhasimende yinto emnandi,” kusho uPhila.
UPhila une-BCom (yase-University of Zululand) amagunya e-Business Accountant in practice (SA), ilayisensi yoMbuyekezi oziMele yase-Chartered Institute of Business Accountants futhi ungungoti wentela (TT (SA) we-South African institute of Taxation).
Umdlandla wakhe wenza ukuthi enze okungaphezu kokuba ngumPhathi weziMali, njengoba ebhala i-Mining Charter, imibiko yoHlelo lwezeNhlalo nomSebenzi, ebheka nezindaba zokubhalisela i-BBBE eZAC. Uthakasela ukusebenza nabantu nokusebenza ezinhlelweni zokuthuthukisa amakhono ezinjenge-Enterprise and Supplier Development ukusiza amabhizinisi amancane.