ZAC Learners look forward to exciting career paths
Ndumiso Ngidi (26) was fascinated when he saw a mine fault underground for the first time. Before that, Ndumiso who is a Mining Engineering Intern at ZAC had only read about faults in textbooks and seen them in pictures.
For years ZAC has been opening up Internship and learnership opportunities to young people like Ndumiso, giving them first-hand experience of what a career in mining really looks like.
“When we went underground, I got to see while they were busy drilling a fault at Outcrop. I’ve only ever seen it through pictures or videos previously,” he says.
Ndumiso believes that this is an opportune time to be at ZAC with all the developments happening. He obtained a Diploma in Mining Engineering at the University of Johannesburg and is currently doing his advanced studies.
What impressed him the most is how the ZAC looks after surrounding communities.
“What I can say about ZAC is that it is full of competent people who have experience in the industry and people who know their stuff. The company is also very serious about safety,” he highlights.
Xolani Dladla, a 27-year-old Electrical Engineering Intern from Embonjeni, Nongoma shares Ndumiso’s sentiments. Although working at a mine can be challenging, Xolani has found the work exposure to be eye-opening.
He studied BTech in Electrical Engineering at the Tshwane University of Technology.
Financial difficulties could have prevented Xolani from continuing with his studies, but he persevered and was awarded a ZAC bursary in 2019.
Thuthukani Nxumalo who is also an engineering learner has enjoyed the experience whether he is in the workshop or underground. The believes the mentorship he is receiving from ZAC artisans is helping him immensely. Thuthukani has completed his N1 – N6 and is currently doing the practical.
“I’m excited to become an electrician, But I still want to go further, and become a Senior Foreman and perhaps even an Engineer,” Thuthukani enthuses.
Abafundi baseZAC babheke imisebenzi yangomuso ngabomvu
UMnuz Ndumiso Ngidi, oneminyaka ewu-26, wayechazekile eqala ukubona emgodini wemayini. Ngaphambi kwalokho, uNgidi oyithwasa lobunjiniyela bezimayini eZAC wayeke wafunda ngemigodi futhi wabona izithombe ezincwadini.
Sekuyiminyaka iZAC ivulela intsha efana noNdumiso amathuba okuqeqeshwa ukuze ithole amava izokwazi ukuthi kunjani ukusebenza emayini.
“Ngenkathi siye emgodini, ngabona bematasa bemba emgodini i-Outcrop. Ngangikade ngigcine ngokubona izithombe namavidiyo,” kusho yena.
UNgidi ukholwa wukuthi yisikhathi esihle lesi sokuba seZAC njengoba kukhona zonke lezi zinhlelo zentuthuko eziqhubekayo. Une-Diploma in Mining Engineering yase-University of Johannesburg kanti kumanje uqhuba izifundo zakhe.
Into eyamchaza kakhulu yindlela iZAC enakekela ngayo imiphakathi eyakhele.
“Engingakusho ngeZAC wukuthi igcwele abantu abawaziyo umsebenzi wabo futhi abanesipiliyoni embonini. Yinkampani eyisikumelayo indaba yokuphepha kwabasebenzi,” kusho yena.
UMnuz Xolani Dladla, oneminyaka ewu-27 noyithwasa lobunjiniyela bukagesi nodabuka Embonjeni, KwaNongoma, uvumelana noNgidi. Nakuba kunezinselelo ukusebenza emayini kodwa uDladla uthi kumvule amehlo ukusebenza.
Ufundele i-BTech in Electrical Engineering eTshwane University of Technology.
UDladla zazingamvimba izinkinga zemali ukuthi aqhubeke nezifundo zakhe kodwa wabekezela wagcina ehlomula ngomfundaze waseZAC ngo-2019.
UMnuz Thuthukani Nxumalo, naye owenza izifundo zobunjiniyela, naye uyakuthakasela ukusebenza kungabe yisendaweni yokukhanda noma emgodini. Ukholwa wukuthi indlela acathuliswa ngayo eZAC iyamsiza kakhulu. UNxumalo wenze izifundo zakhe kusukela kuN1 waze wafika kuN6 kanti manje usephucula ulwazi lwakhe ngokwenza umsebenzi.
“Ngiyakujabulela ukuba wungoti kagesi. Kepha ngizimisele ukukhula ngigcine sengiyimfolomane enkulu noma mhlawumbe unjiniyela,” kusho uNxumalo.